Fortnite Challenge Generator

New Challenges now available! Have some fun with the challenges below and make sure you let your friends know about

The Fortnite Challenges!

If you click on the card a second time, it will give the full rules of the challenge although most are self-explanatory. Want some challenges added to the list, drop me a tweet at

Fortnite Solo Challenge Generator

So it’s time for a game of Fortnite on your own, you’ve just read our top four tips and now looking for a bit more of a challenge? Do not worry, wheel of fortnite has got you covered. Click on the card below and a random challenge will be generated!

Card Back for Fornite Challenge Generator

Either cover your eye or keep it closed for the entire game!


Fortnite Duos Challenge Generator

What’s better than doing a Solo fortnite challenge? That’s right, Duo Challenges!Pick one card each and see who can do the best, someone not sticking to the challenges? Name and Shame them on our twitter feed along with evidence, we will share it so the whole world can see!


Card Back for Fornite Challenge Generator

The first gun is the hardest! strictly no chests, floor spawns or drops) Llama’s are fine.

Card Back for Fornite Challenge Generator

Only wooden materials can be used.


Fortnite Quads Challenge Generator

There is only one thing better than a Duos challenge, that’s right its time for some Quads challenges!One Challenge each, who’s the big loser going to be? Name and Shame on our twitter feed with evidence and we’ll share it with the world!

Card Back for Fornite Challenge Generator

Only green guns can be used.

Card Back for Fornite Challenge Generator

Only brick materials.

Card Back for Fornite Challenge Generator

Only build using stairs.

Card Back for Fornite Challenge Generator

Crouch as soon as you land, and remain crouched for entirety of game. Definitely no sprinting!

I hope you enjoy the fortnite challenge generator, please do share on social media and make sure to link back to

If you have any suggestions, or would like any specific challenges add please tweet me @
